Please contact us with any requests for virtual learning opportunities
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR 2021 Virtual Webinar Series
Resources / PDF HANDOUTS from Past Webinars:
Spring 2020 webinars:
2020 Fall Local Webinars:
Training Sessions can also be customized to fit your individual company's concrete industry needs and interests. Training can also take place at your company's convenience. Professional Engineers can earn PDH's. The below list is just a sample of the the presentations we have prepared. Please feel free to email us at hmsmith@miconcrete.net if you would like us to do a webinar for a specific topic or if you would like to schedule a webinar for your company.
Who Should Attend?
- Engineers
- Geo-techs
- Inspectors
- Contractors
- Field Staff
- Anyone!
- Concrete Basics
- Planning a successful pour
- Ordering Concrete
- Concrete Placement, Consolidation, Finishing & Curing
- Jointing & Saw Cutting
- Hot Weather & Cold Weather Concreting
- Concrete Parking Lots
- Inspecting Concrete
- Roller Compacted Concrete
- Decorative Concrete
- Pervious Concrete
- Concrete Specifications
- Mix Designs
- Pavement Design
- Concrete Repair
- etc.